Care Advice

What is purifying?

Purifying is a process to cleanse and restores energy for your gemstones. Purifying by Coarse Grain Sea Salt or Herkimer Water is recommended for most of the raw stones.

Purifying Steps for Coarse Grain Sea Salt

  1. Purify once a week, at night before you sleep.
  2. Fill in a small container (e.g. tea cup) with coarse grain sea salt.
  3. Put your gemstone inside the container until it's fully covered by salt.
  4. Let it stay still overnight.
  5. At the next morning, take out your gemstone and remove residues if there's any.

Purifying Steps for Herkimer Water

  1. You can do it every night if preferred.
  2. Spray Herkimer Water on your gemstone and let it dry out itself.

note: some gemstones may require different purifying steps. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding on gemstone purification.

Is there ways to maintain my gemstone at its best form?

In order to keep your gemstones at its best form, avoid:

  • Extreme Heat (e.g. direct sunlight)
  • Humid Environments (e.g. bathroom)
  • Heavy Impact
  • Chemical Substances

If you are not wearing your gemstone, make sure to keep it in a environment without hazards listed above.

Be advised that minor alterations of colors or textures of gemstones are normal due to wears from daily usage.

How durable raw stones are?

All raw stones from Crystal Zen are guaranteed with no injection reinforcements, in order to retain its original form.

There is nothing to worry about in terms of daily usage under normal circumstances. But be reminded to avoid heavy impacts, heats and chemical substances, as they might affect or even damage your raw stone.

How to clean my gemstone?

Cleaning your gemstone with damp, soft, lint-free cloth is recommended. Do not use any product with chemical substances (e.g. disinfecting wipes) as they might damage your gemstone.